Tuesday, October 30, 2007
1. Of peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control, which are you most lacking?
Probably patience and peace. I advocate so much peace and I love peace but its inner peace that I lack. I am not at peace with where I am at and with who I am just yet. I keep wanting to improve who I am and become a better person. Then, with that, comes my impatience. When things do not go as planned or I'm not good at something right away, I get very easily discouraged... and I become like a little spoiled brat when it comes to wanting something right. I'm learning though... always learning
2. Of peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control, which are you most blessed with?
I have an amazing amount of self-control. Although I like to be outspoken and give my opinion... When it comes to a goal... I like to set myself on that path and put my blinders on until I reach it. Though, with the answer to my last question, I get antsy along the way... but my faithfulness comes in. I have an incredible amount of faith in people, my missions, and God.
3. The Scout Law says that a scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Which of these are relative strengths for you?
Thrifty. I like making new things out of old ;)
4. Which of the elements in the Scout Law are relative weaknesses for you?
I'm not always as helpful as I would like to be. I'd like to be brave like i was when I was little again too.
5. If you were to create a list-type law, such as the Scout Law, for your occupation, what might it look like?
"A Human being is to be kind, love and encourage peace, treat everything as if it were a miracle, honor and cherish integrity, Laugh often, Risk, Discourage Censorship of your mind and feelings, and find out what makes them come alive."
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